Русский поэт-авангардист, автор песен, художник Алексей Хвостенко, известный как Хвост, родился 14 ноября 1940 г. в Свердловске. Друзья рассказывают, что сам поэт называя себя Хвостом, даже придумал расшифровку своего псевдонима.
“Хвост – как Христос Воскреси, “ост” – как Восток и “о” – как горловина гитары посередине…” – говорил он.
Большинству он известен как «Хвост», записавший несколько альбомов вместе с группой «АукцЫон». Они записали несколько совместных альбомов: «Чайник вина» (1992), «Жилец вершин» (1995) – на стихи Велимира Хлебникова, «Опыт постороннего творческого процесса» (1995) и др.
В последнем интервью поэт рассказывал, что однажды его буквально «приговорили к поступлению в университет» (это был первый суд по статье «Тунеядство»):
«Меня спросили: “Чем вы занимаетесь сейчас? ” – “Я пишу стихи”. – “Как, вы пишете стихи и не имеете никакого образования?”. Я сказал, что считаю необязательным иметь образование. Они ответили, что обязательно нужно иметь образование: “Давайте договоримся с вами так: вы пойдете на какое-нибудь филологическое отделение и будете изучать филологию”. Я сказал: “Ну хорошо – тогда я постараюсь поступить в университет, на филфак”. На этом мы и договорились».
По этой же статье проходил и другой известный «тунеядец» – Иосиф Бродский, с которым Хвостенко одно время был очень дружен. Обоим пришлось не только побывать в Городской психиатрической больнице №2 на Пряжке, но и полежать на одной койке:
«В первый раз, на Пряжке, я попал на койку, на которой лежал до меня Бродский, и там я провел целый месяц».
Алексей Хвостенко стал первым исполнителем песни на стихи Анри Волохонского “Рай”, которая впоследствии была перепета Борисом Гребенщиковым и стала известна как “Город Золотой”:
Making Sense of Music Beyond Consumption and Contemplation
It is astonishing to consider that hundreds of years ago you would not be listening to music without being in the proximity of someone actually making music. But in our current society, music is also a product of daily consumption. We live today with an almost ubiquitous musical background and we use music as an accompaniment to our daily activities. Like visual art is often used to fill out empty spaces that otherwise might seem annoying or even frightening, music is used to “silence silence”. Music fills the empty spaces of time where emotional voidness is looming.
To understand how music works in our minds, we need to move beyond this approach. Music is a mental process that allows us to perceive certain sound structures as meaningful. These mental processes probably relate to fundamental aspects of our understanding and recognition of the existence of others. Music reflects the fact that we all inhabit the same world.
The composition Sacred Heart encourages the listener to awaken his essential being and let the harmony of sounds inside himself, as in meditation, a person immerses his consciousness in stillness in order to go beyond his own habits and clichés and get closer to Eternity.
Sacred Heart was first released as part of the album TEN by Anna Bondareva. TEN piano album is now available in all platforms as well as on CD! A new single with Sacred Heart (Strings Version) and its music video will premiere on September 17!
“Only Jesus” is the new version of “Personal Jesus” (Martin L.Gore).Published by EMI Music Publishing Ltd.
Used by permission. All rights reserved. Adapted and performed by Anna Bondareva. ℗ EMI Music Publishing Ltd.
“There have been a few covers of “Personal Jesus”, of which two stand out, both released in the early 2000s by very divergent artists: the freakishly dressed hard-rock provocateur Marilyn Manson, and septuagenarian country singer and devout Christian Johnny Cash”, says Financial Times article when speaking about on how the hit vaulted Depeche Mode to lasting legitimacy!
“That’s probably the most evangelical song [I’ve] ever recorded,” said Cash, who had released versions of countless gospel songs. “I don’t know that the writer ever meant it to be that, but that’s what it is.”
In 1989, the band set up in Milan to work on their new 7th album, Violator. “Personal Jesus” was inspired by Elvis and Me, Priscilla Presley’s memoir, released four years earlier. “It’s about how Elvis was her man and mentor,” songwriter Martin Lee Gore told Rolling Stone, “and how often that happens in love relationships —how everybody’s heart is like a god in some way, and that’s not a very balanced view of someone, is it?”
When one pronounces the word Indigo, its vibration alone creates a special unique atmosphere of mystery. Indigo is something rich and incredibly attractive. There is nothing superfluous in Indigo, it is a color catharsis. Indigo is a color that purifies and accompanies the release of emotions. The “dematerialization” of sound, the harmonic advances, mystical overtones, a quest for “the harmony of the worlds”, all this can characterize this new album, which is an unconditional continuation of Anna’s most recent piano compositions.
🎼New piano album Indigo Melodies by Anna Bondareva consists of three pieces: Exordium, Valse & Cadenza. Indigo Valse is filled with improvisation mood and the “invisible” geometry, its vivid tempo brings particular musical density. Indigo Valse will be released as a single with its orchestra version & music video!Indigo Valse will be out on the 1st of September, Indigo Melodies album release date is set for Friday, 8th of September!
Publié à l’origine sous le titre Supermodel Forever en russe et an anglais et plus tard en français aux Éditions du Panthéon sous le nom de Beauté Éternelle, cette œuvre littéraire audacieux offre au lecteur un regard d’auteur astucieux sur la haute couture, la présentant comme quelque chose d’inhabituel, de complexe, mais toujours d’humain.
Ce livre d’Anna Bondareva rassemble des souvenirs de ce métier de mannequinat tentant mais controversé.
Ayant commencé le mannequinat dès son plus jeune âge, Anna Bondareva est arrivée à Paris dans les années 90, en pleine ère des supermodels ; elle avait seize ans lorsqu’elle est venue conquérir le monde du glamour.
L’autrice a beaucoup à dire. Elle partage son expérience personnelle, son regard attentif sur la mode haute couture et ceux qui gravitent autour d’elle. Son livre nous donne un aperçu des coulisses de la réalité des personnages des médias, des plateaux télé et les articles des journaux people et des couvertures glamoureuse de magazines de mode. Est-ce un endroit si magique – tapis rouges, et autres socles bohèmes ?
Parlant de ses expériences à Paris, Londres, Rome, New York, La Havane et Saint-Pétersbourg et Hollywood, Anna Bondareva offre à ses lecteurs son appréciation, tout en restant la plus impartiale possible, expose son regard clair et pointu sur des événements extérieurs passionnants, parfois pleins de péril.
Cette autobiographie est bien documentée et riche en anecdotes. Derrière cette atmosphère apparemment festive et créative, parsemée des paillettes et d’étincelles de champagne, se cache une façade sombre, qu’Anna décrit dans son opus.
Cependant, vous pourriez penser que nous connaissons et avons déjà entendu « toutes ces histoires » des milliers de fois ! De nombreux films ont été consacrés au même sujet. L’histoire d’un modèle a autrefois intéressé Andrey Konchalovsky, quand en 2007 il a commencé à tourner le film « Gloss », où le rôle principal était joué par la femme du réalisateur Yulia Vysotskaya.
Un autre exemple est Angelina Jolie, qui est apparue dans l’émission télévisée « Gia », à propos de l’un des premiers mannequins. Le cinéaste français de premier plan Luc Besson a toujours séduit son public avec des films mettant en scène des personnages féminins forts tels que Jeanne d’Arc, et a récemment sorti le blockbuster « Anna ». Son nouveau film montre l’image d’un mannequin russe, une super-héroïne à l’écran – un super agent.
Dans le film plein d’esprit « Celebrity » de Woody Allen, Charlize Theron, lauréate d’un Oscar, a eu la chance de montrer son look sophistiqué alors qu’elle décrochait le rôle d’un top model. Une vision romantique du monde de la mode est présentée dans la comédie musicale « Funny Face » de Stanley Donen, avec Audrey Hepburn et Fred Astaire.
Dans le livre « In Vogue Supermodel Forever : Beauté Éternelle, le témoignage », le monde intérieur de l’auteur est présenté en vingt-huit chapitres. Chaque chapitre raconte des histoires en coulisses, chacune garantissant de satisfaire la curiosité du lecteur. Quoi de plus excitant que de pénétrer dans les coulisses du monde de la haute couture ?
L’histoire de la mode, les portraits des figures de cet univers parfois surestimé des podiums et des castings, tout cela est abordé dans le livre d’Anna Bondareva. L’auteur pose un regard lucide sur ces rêveries sur papier glacé qui hantent de nombreuses jeunes filles et avertit toutes celles qui tentent activement de s’intégrer à cette dimension parfois cruelle de rester vigilantes.
Anna Bondareva a travaillé avec certains des plus grands photographes, avec certaines des meilleures agences de mannequins au monde.
« In Vogue Supermodel Forever : Beauté Éternelle, le témoignage » est une nouvelle vision de cette dimension si prestigieuse, mais insidieuse et trompeuse.
This is a new exclusive edition of the book In Vogue: Supermodel Forever by Anna Bondareva, which includes a special introduction by the author. Each of the twenty-eight chapters is adorned with inimitable vintage Vogue magazine covers.
🎭The month of July in France is necessarily associated with the theater festival in Avignon. Founded by Jean Vilar in the late forties of the last century, the festival continues to attract every year the most advanced theatergoers from around the world. Music is an integral part of almost every performance or theatrical action. And sometimes the name of the composition contributes to its further fate and purpose.
🎼PREMIÈRE 🎬Official music video to ‘La Vie en Rose’ from Pearls piano album by Anna Bondareva is out now!
The second premiere in the context of the Avignon Theater Festival, new music video for the title track from the piano album Fortune Telling by Anna, Danse de Baba Yaga.
According to folktale morphology, Baba Yaga commonly appears as either a donor or a villain, or may be altogether ambiguous. Baba Yaga could be summarized as “a many-faceted figure, capable of inspiring researchers to see her as a Cloud, Moon, Death, Winter, Snake, Bird, Pelican or Earth Goddess, totemic matriarchal ancestress, female initiator, phallic mother, or archetypal image”. Supernatural being has inspired composer Modest Mussorgsky for The Hut on Fowl’s Legs (Baba Yaga), a piece from a remarkable piano suite “Pictures at an Exhibition”. Maurice Ravel’s orchestration of Pictures at an Exhibition represents a virtuoso effort by a master colourist.
🎬Watch Danse de Baba Yaga music video now live on YouTube:
This is a daring book, presenting an insightful author’s take on high fashion, film industry and art scene, presenting it as something uncommon, tricky, but still human after all.
Priceless by Anna Bondareva offers memoires that analyze and explore this sparkling yet full of contradictory environment from all its angles. A self-made woman, she came to win over the many temptations of the cruel world of showbiz. Anna has a story to tell.
Available now at Amazon, Barnes & Nobel , Kobo etc.
The crowded carriage of the Eurostar branded train was filled to capacity. While all passengers were taking care of their business, a woman of indeterminate age with a chiseled profile looked out the window but did so somehow differently. Everything was different about her. “As soon as we get on the way I shall begin my approach”, I thought to myself. It is wonderful to be an artist, and it certainly makes it extremely easy to meet women. One only needs to offer to make a sketch portrait and a beautiful stranger is more or less ready to continue the evening, she might even caress you with a gentle flirtatious look. That look will lead you to an inevitable adventure, satisfaction guaranteed!
Perhaps that is why I chose this job for myself in the first place. I needed to please women badly. So that they see in me a royal likeness of higher powers, awaking their most secret desires, making them feel sexy like a goddess or a queen Cleopatra. That is how I became a draftsman, seducing everyone for the sake of vanity. Where was the real Eric, and what did he want to say? What could bring new things to this world, what ideals to glorify, and what to fight for?! I did not look for answers to these questions anymore. I just kept moving “forward” without noticing that since some long-time ago, my inner locomotive began to go backwards surely and securely. After the train departed, twenty minutes had passed before I returned to the place where I saw Helen for the first time. But she was no longer there. Passengers who could be considered as her neighbors assured me that there was never a woman at the window.
“No,” I said to myself, “This cannot be! They must have not seen the stranger mysteriously disappear from the carriage.” I moved to the bar car, and, and whilst waiting for the fulfillment of my order I began hearing a hum of low voices. Listening to the conversation, I recognized a dialogue consisting of a woman and a man. The woman’s voice whispered, with trepidation, that she had lost the most intimate of things, namely, a hope for Heaven, and now, having seen all her sinful fall, it is not clear to her what to do. She believed that her sins were so grave that the Almighty may no longer hear her prayers. The man’s voice answered something, but it was impossible to make out what he said exactly. I turned around and saw Marie standing there. There she was, an unknown splendid blonde with beautiful sensual mouth from my carriage, she set in the company of an extraordinary old man. “Are you going to the autumn salon? Are you invited to take part in London Art Fair?”
This time the man’s voice spoke toward me; it had an inhuman piercing vibration and incredible texture. “Yes, exactly there”, I answered and continued, “Listen, can I buy you something, a drink? What would you like?”
“Just coffee, if you don’t mind”, the woman replied while looking distantly away at the window. The thought of Marie never left my mind since the very first moment I saw her in the train. Now I knew, it was she who made this speech about “life in heaven”, and I decided to ask. “It is impossible to believe that everything that I just accidentally heard about, in fact, has a place to be”.
“You are right! People rarely rely on someone’s word, although many are driven by their own instincts”, the old wise man gave me a sharp look. I wanted to raise my right hand to undo the top button of my shirt collar, but I couldn’t even move a finger. This numbness lasted for what felt like an indefinite time, it seemed that everything in the world just stopped, and only after the old man invited me to take a deep breath did I return to life and was able to make a move. A feeling of horror gripped me at the thought that “some force” paralyzing me like this, and suddenly I could no longer hold my paint brush in my hand. In that very second, for the first time ever, hitherto unshakable self-confidence, which had been so thoroughly strengthened over the years, fed by various sources from outside, suddenly disappeared. “Yes, imagine, when this will be happening to you for real!”, the old man seemed to be addressing me with all seriousness, but now he was winking playfully, as he kept looking straight at his charming companion, at Marie. I sat down at the next table and they brought me a beer with pistachios. I wanted to say “thanks” to the waitress, but instead I could only let out an unnatural groan that was more similar to a dog.
“Hope you are doing better now, Eric,” the old man kept smiling. And how could this perspicacious person know my name, is it written on my forehead ?! “Oh, well, of course, he recognized me from the gossip reports”, a thought flashed through my mind. “I’m Eric, a famous painter and so many know me.” But now, I began to doubt it. The freed hand eagerly reached for the cold drink. After the first sip, my composure completely returned to normal, and I continued aloud. “I hope to get a good time out in London, Paris has completely exhausted me.” I did not recognize my own voice, it sounded disgusting.
The old man and the woman did not pay any attention to my pronounced statement. I was about to offer them another drink together, and the woman burst into such serene laughter that I, involuntarily, whined from powerlessness. I fell into a frank stupor. When I was going to say something like “great” again, I inevitably found myself facing an inexplicable internal obstacle that simply inhibited me from building a full-fledged proposal. I closed my eyes trying to stay centered, and fell into some kind of indefinite trance. Time flew by quickly and a message about an imminent arrival to London flashed through the train. My companions evaporated in an unknown direction, and I returned to my seat to collect my things.
At King’s Cross Station, I was met by the driver of the Dorchester Hotel in a dark blue Jaguar. He drove me to my destination without unnecessary courtesies. On the way, I tried in vain to discard the memories of what had happened on the train. But with indignation and shame, my ears were bloodshot. The laughter of a beautiful blonde stranger, continuously sounded somewhere in the back of my cranium. The face of the mysterious old man stood in front of my gaze, as if alive. Everything he said, and the sound of his voice uttered, seemed to be engraved in my memory.